Human Capital in Dubai : Know the Legal Procedures

The United Arab Emirates (UAE) has established itself as a global business hub thanks to its robust infrastructure and enduring business framework that has been in place for several decades. This stability has made manpower supply in Dubai a crucial aspect of business operations. In Dubai, there exist agencies with licences for manpower supply. These agencies hire full-time employees under their sponsorship and then allocate them to third-party companies. To illustrate, suppose you are a construction business owner in Dubai embarking on a substantial project. In such a scenario, you have the option to acquire the necessary workforce through one of these manpower agencies, allowing you to bypass the formalities that could otherwise impede your project's commencement.

Terms and Conditions for Securing a Manpower Supply License in the UAE

For those seeking to venture into manpower supply in the UAE, obtaining a manpower supply licence is the vital first step. This licence falls under the purview of a commercial licence in Dubai, empowering you to engage in labour supply activities within the Emirate while serving as a mediator between employers and employees. emphasises the following crucial terms and conditions during the application process:
  • Nationality and Age: All shareholders must possess UAE nationality and be 21 years of age or older, demonstrating full legal capacity.
  • Criminal Record: Partners should not have a criminal record related to obscene crimes, dishonesty, breach of trust, human trafficking, or any other offence punishable by law. Rehabilitation may be considered after certain conditions are met.
  • Financial Guarantee: Throughout the licence's validity period, a bank guarantee, not less than AED 300,000 (for brokerage activities) or AED 1,000,000 (for temporary recruitment activities), must be submitted and automatically renewed. This guarantee can be utilised to cover agency obligations under the law.
  • Office Requirements: An approved head office with a valid address, meeting specified standards, is mandatory for the agency's activities.
  • Partner Changes: Any alteration in partners, whether addition or withdrawal, necessitates written consent from the Ministry.
  • Qualified Staff: Adequate administrative employees and supervisors with relevant experience are mandatory.
  • Agency Manager: The agency manager must be of UAE nationality and possess a high school degree or equivalent. Individual applicants can also be the agency manager with the same qualifications.
  • Authorised Signatory: The authorised signatory of the agency must meet the same conditions as the agency manager.
  • Legal Fees: The applicant is responsible for paying legally prescribed fees upon the initial approval of the requested activity licence.
At, we facilitate your journey into the realm of manpower supply in Dubai, ensuring a seamless and compliant process. Your workforce needs are met efficiently, so you can focus on the success of your projects.

Ensuring Worker Protection in Manpower Supply through in UAE

In the vibrant landscape of business setup in Dubai, operating as a labour supply agency is a potent endeavour. The Emirates government places paramount importance on safeguarding the rights and welfare of workers recruited through manpower supply agencies and similar labour recruitment entities. At, we are dedicated to upholding these principles. Our commitment to worker protection is evident as we adhere to the following regulations:
  • Financial Assurance: To guarantee the well-being of employees arriving in Dubai, UAE, dutifully deposits AED 2,000 for each worker recruited through our agency.
  • Regulatory Compliance: In strict alignment with the law on Licensing and Regulation of Private Employee Agencies, we hold ourselves accountable for fulfilling our obligations toward our workers.
  • Fee Transparency: We operate within the guidelines set by the Labor Ministry, abiding by the maximum limits on fees that can be charged to prospective clients.
  • Clarity in Contracts: ensures full transparency by explicitly outlining all terms and conditions of employment, as well as the responsibilities of the employee towards our company, before any contractual agreement is finalised.
  • Records Management: We maintain meticulous records of all employees sourced through our agency, ensuring compliance with regulatory requirements.
  • Reporting Changes: In accordance with the new UAE law, we promptly inform the Ministry of any modifications within our agency, promoting transparency and accountability.
The Government of Dubai is unwavering in its mission to foster a transparent employment intermediary sector throughout the UAE, advancing the protection and well-being of workers engaged through agencies specialising in manpower supply, recruitment, and labour services. At, we stand as a beacon of integrity and worker-centric practices in this dynamic landscape.

How to Secure Your Manpower Supply Licence in Dubai, UAE with

Embarking on the journey of establishing a manpower supply agency in Dubai, UAE through is a streamlined process. Here's a step-by-step guide to obtaining your manpower supply licence, along with the necessary documents and procedures.
  • Select a Trading Name:
Begin by proposing a trading name for your company. Ensure that the name is unique and not already registered in the official Register. Afterward, submit your application for name reservation and registration.
  • Obtain the MoA for Your Labor Supply Business in Dubai:
Once your chosen name is approved, move forward by applying for the notarization of your company's Memorandum of Association (MOA) at the Department of Economic Development (DED). This critical step paves the way for your manpower supply licence in the UAE.
  • Documentation for Labour Supply Companies in Dubai:
To secure your licence, gather the necessary documentation and apply for final approval. The following documents must be submitted: -Copies of valid passport(s) of the company's shareholder(s) -Copy of the applicant's family book -Copy of the ID card for nationals -A statement of good conduct -Copy of the trade name application with the Trade Register -Shareholders' written statements regarding the company's establishment -A blueprint of the employment agency's location.
  • Register Your Workers:
After obtaining your manpower supply licence, proceed to apply for a labour card and establishment card at the Ministry of Labor. Ensure that your workers are duly registered with the Ministry. Additionally, register your workers with the General Authority for Pension and Social Security to complete this crucial step.
  • Annual License Renewal:
It's important to note that a manpower supply licence in Dubai requires annual renewal. Given the burgeoning demand for manpower supply in Dubai, this signifies a promising avenue for entrepreneurs. At, we simplify the process of establishing and managing your manpower supply agency in Dubai. For inquiries and guidance on commencing your venture in the dynamic realm of manpower supply in Dubai, do not hesitate to reach out to us. We are here to assist you every step of the way.